
::Code 8:: for the  Harajuku Event 20th apr

Backdrop C01 Tokyo
100% Original Mesh

Materials are enabled for best effect. Depending on windlight you can play with the texture specular settings to have the best effect.

About version numbering:
1st letter is the type of background
City, Industrial, Nature
The 2 numbers after that is the number of backdrop made in the category of the first letter

Animal Ice Cream Vendor
100% Original Mesh

First of all, this item uses the Code 8 experience for automatically attaching and animating items to avatars.
People who have previously approved the Code 8 experience for any other Code 8 item, will not see any permission requests. 

To add the Code 8 experiences to your owned land:
    Open the land manager window
    Go to the 'Experiences' tab
    Under Allowed Experiences, click the Add button
    Type in Code 8 and press enter
    Select Code 8 and choose OK

Rez the item
Click and hold the vendor for 5 second to turn it on
By default, only the owner can get an ice cream
When the vendor is on, touch and hold for 3 seconds to enter the admin menu (all buttons turn red now and no one can push them)
      Set the vendor to give ice cream to the people of your choice.
      turn the cute sounds on or off
      Change the image inside the vendor to your own.
      Copy the uuid of your own texture in your inventory
      Click the SET BACKGROUND button and paste the uuid into the new dialog
  - SET PRICE (only available in fatpack)
      Add a price, so people have to pay you to get an ice cream
      Maximum price is 5 linden
      When avatar presses the button, he/she or a friend has 10 seconds the time to pay
      The ice cream will be given to the avatar who pressed the button
      Completely turn off the vendor. Turn it back on by click & hold the vendor for 5 seconds again.

When given an ice cream, the holder will eat it in 5 minutes. The avatar will sob a little and then the empty cone will disappear.