# 352


Famous_Xmas Armchair & Couch  available At The Manly Week end 11-12-13 dec

things&stuffs [cutout tree] @ the mainstore [$50 for So Kawaii Sunday] ♥ c/m/nt ♥ 1 land impact ♥ 8 colors via touch menu

things&stuffs [ornament decor]  @ the mainstore [L$65 for So Kawaii Sunday] ♥ c/m/nt ♥ 1 land impact

.peaches. Kathy Fireplace Set v2- For FLF Dec 11!

DaD @Fameshed "Little Christmas Workers" 

MICHAN - Snowflake Cupcakes [Blush] @ winter spirit

Lacrime dell'anima - Dreamy Side Table - 10 Colors Mix & Match @ winter spirit